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Re: Advice needed Urgently by Actual Fighter Pilot(s), Please!!
Thread Starter: Bernice
Started: 09-25-2002 10:50 AM
Replies: 2

Community Server :: Forums » Military Aviation » Tactics » Re: Advice needed Urgently by Actual Fighter Pilot(s), Please!!
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Bernice is not online. Last active: 9/21/2005 6:20:54 PM Bernice

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Advice needed Urgently by Actual Fighter Pilot(s), Please!!
Please respond to the following,
I am currently 16 years of age from South Africa, and like many teenagers am interested in becoming the best fighter pilot that I can possibly be in the near future. My ambition and determination to become a fighter pilot is unlimited and my grades are exceptionally well and above the standard required. But my first question is: How do I “rise above” all the others that too, want to be fighter pilots? (Especially taking in to consideration that I’m female) And my second question being: Can I join the USAF (or any other Air Force), even though I’m a South African born citizen and how do I proceed in doing so?
Thank you, Bernice

run is not online. Last active: 8/2/2007 7:10:14 AM run

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Re: Advice needed Urgently by Actual Fighter Pilot(s), Please!!
Hi Bernice

Determination is the most important factor and it seems like you have already taken care of that one :) Unfortunately you have to be a US Citizen to fly for the USAF. But what about flying for your own country ? Aren't you buying the Gripen ? I would love to fly that myself. It is a wonderful aircraft.
Keep the grades up and start flying gliders. That is the best prep you can do.

Regards RUN
  03 Dec 2004, 1:42 PM
KenV is not online. Last active: 9/9/2005 4:50:16 PM KenV

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Re: Advice needed Urgently by Actual Fighter Pilot(s), Please!!
Flying for the South African AF as a female is by all accounts is unlikely if not impossible.  If you want to fly for the USAF or USN, the first thing you have to do is get US citizenship.  Also be SURE to have UNcorrected 20/20 vision.  If you're visual acuity is below that, forget it.  Flying for the Navy will also require you to  have no color blindness.

The next thing you must do is become a commissioned officer.  The surest track for that is to get into a service academy (US Air Force Academy (USAFA), US Naval Academy (USNA), or US Military Academy (USMA)).  The Army has no fighters, so concentrate on getting into USAFA and USNA.   Although you can cross commission from USMA into either the Air Force or Navy, don't count on it.  Major in a technical/engineering area and keep your grades up.  This will help ensure you will get your first choice as to post graduate specialty area.

Once in the undergraduate pilot pipeline, get good grades.  The fighter slots are competitive and good grades will ensure you get your first choice.
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