# | Website Rating is based on average hits the last 6 days | Avg pr day | Total hits | Days on list |
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1 | RUSSIAN POWER - modern weaponryRussian and Soviet military technologies after WWII. History of Russian aviation, army, navy. Exclusive pictures. Big russian military links
catalogue. VOTES 16 DESIGN *** CONTENT *** OVERALL *** | 195
 | 10326219 | 9281 |
2 | Cri-Cri (Cricket) plane HomepageThe world smallest twin engine plane. Pictures, movies, and more! VOTES 28 DESIGN **** CONTENT **** OVERALL **** | 7
 | 559959 | 9025 |
3 | The Super Mystère CollectionPictures, mainly military, from press reports in France during the seventies and eighties. Also pictures from Le Bourget Airshows and items coming from various world aircraft manufacturers etc.. | 2
 | 45040 | 7211 |
4 | Scucin-the town of aviatorsWebsite about former Soviet military airfield "Scucin", its history, all the units ever stationed there, all types of aircraft ever flown there. Historical and recent photos of airfield and planes VOTES 8 DESIGN ***** CONTENT ***** OVERALL ***** | 1
 | 77533 | 6322 |
5 | New technologies in aircraft and astronauticsNew technologies in aircraft (VTOL and STOL) and astronautics (Reusable LV) | 1
 | 13092 | 8013 |
6 | CombatAircraft.comExcellent recognition resource site. Provides information, drawings, and pictures of combat aircraft from around the world. Also has roundels and fin flashes from air froces all around the world.
VOTES 316 DESIGN **** CONTENT **** OVERALL **** | 0
 | 4320584 | 8796 |
7 | Voronezh Shareholder Aircraft-Building SocietyDescription of Voronezh Aircraft production: the long-range wide-body IL-96-300 aircraft, the cargo aircraft IL-96T, the special purpose agricultural aircraft TU-54. VOTES 1 DESIGN CONTENT ** OVERALL | 0
 | 23752 | 9227 |
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