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becoming a fighter pilot
How to become a Military Pilot
Thread Starter: Anonymous
Started: 05-09-2002 3:50 PM
Replies: 16

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Anonymous is not online. Last active: 7/17/2007 7:51:33 PM Anonymous

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becoming a fighter pilot
*** Posted by francisco ***
Hi, i am interested on being a fighterpilot, right now i am a freshmen on high school, and i want to know how long does it takes to become a pilot,the steps you need to go through, requirements,were can i get info about the academies, and who do i need to contact.
thanks for listening.

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Anonymous is not online. Last active: 7/17/2007 7:51:33 PM Anonymous

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can somebody give a hand here, please
*** Posted by francisco ***
[Hi, i am interested on being a fighterpilot, right now i am a freshmen on high school, and i want to know how long does it takes to become a pilot,the steps you need to go through, requirements,were can i get info about the academies, and who do i need to contact.
thanks for listening.]

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Anonymous is not online. Last active: 7/17/2007 7:51:33 PM Anonymous

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Re:can somebody give a hand here, please
*** Posted by francisco ***
[Hi, i am interested on being a fighterpilot, right now i am a freshmen on high school, and i want to know how long does it takes to become a pilot,the steps you need to go through, requirements,were can i get info about the academies, and who do i need to contact.
thanks for listening.]

can someone answer my question!!!

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Flyboy is not online. Last active: 8/1/2004 7:03:41 AM Flyboy

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Re: Re:can somebody give a hand here, please

I am a Junior in high school, and also am taking steps to becoming an Airforce fighter pilot. I have researched the steps in depth, and I thought that I might help you out. First of all, you've got three options. You can join the Air Force Academy, sign up for college ROTC, or enlist after obtaining a degree in engeneering, and obtaining some private fight experience. The Academy is extremely competitive, and difficult to get accepted to. Once there, you will face physical an mental challenges like you have never dreamed of. You appilication requires a recomendation from a congress member, good grades and good SAT scores. I suggest you start taking the PSAT for practice, starting with your freshman year. The USAFA means a lot, and you will graduate as a second leutenant. You will need to drop in on your local recruiting office and get the name of the Laison Officer(LO) that sponsors your school. He can tell you what you need to do to prepare for your appilication. College ROTC is not as difficult, and you will take a series of menal and physical tests to determine if you are capable of being a pilot. You will probably get a tuition break, but will be required to serve a determined tour of duty(typically four years) after college, whether you get into pilot training or not. So make sure that you are sure that you are prepared for the tests when the time comes. (The USAFA gives you similar tests too, but will take measures to prepare you) I hope this imformation is usefull to you. Write to the Academy and request a catalogue at this adress:

2304 Cadet Dr., Suite 200
USAF Academy CO 80840- 5651

Remember that becoming a fighter pilot takes a lot of work and absolutely NO laziness or procrastination. That wil be your first obstacle. Good Luck! I hope yo make it-
See you in the wild blue
ciscom is not online. Last active: 8/1/2004 7:03:40 AM ciscom

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Re: Re:can somebody give me a hand here, please
Hi, Thanks for the info.

I wanted to know how much does it takes and the setps you need to go through, from the moment you get out of high school, to the moment your are a complete fighter pilot. I also need to know what kind of courses do you need to take. i am not good at geometry so i just wanted to know if it is very useful and what for.

Thanl for listening.

DragonFang is not online. Last active: 8/1/2004 7:03:40 AM DragonFang

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Re: Re:can somebody give me a hand here, please
I'm a senior in high school and I'm beginning to consider trying to become a fighter pilot. I used to think that there was no way I could be on top and be the best. But now I'm beginning to think why not. So here I'm am trying to find out stuff to see if I've really got what it takes. Although I'm not perfect I run cross-country so I'd rate myself to be in very good shape. And my SAT score is 1150 (660 math:490 verbal). Of course I have no idea what the requirements are so that's why I'm lookin around.
Tym2cu-fly is not online. Last active: 8/1/2004 7:03:47 AM Tym2cu-fly

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Re: becoming a fighter pilot
I am 13 and in the 8th grade, and I also want to become a fighter pilot in the Air Force too. I have asked lots of pilots and have done a lot of research and it all points in one direction; do your best.
I got a lot of the requirements for being a pilot in the USAF from: http://www.usafa.af.mil/flash/index.html
rainman_02 is not online. Last active: 4/23/2006 10:36:27 PM rainman_02

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Re: becoming a fighter pilot
Once you have completed a 4-year college degree (in any major, from Aeronautical Engineering to History) and meet the physical criteria, you will have to complete Introductory Flight Training (IFT) or earn your FAA Private Pilot's Certificate on your own.

Then, you are given an Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT) start date. Once your start date rolls around, you will go to Columbus, Vance, Sheppard, Laughlin or Moody to start UPT. You will spend approximately 6 weeks in academics, just learning the basics of flying. The academics cover topics from aircraft systems to using instruments to basic aerodynamics to navigation and mission planning. It will be a lot like college, with classes, homework (reading assignments) as well as some "special" training. You will parasail to learn how to land a parachute. You will learn how to use the ejection seat. You will learn some survival skills and how do deal with physiological incidents. It is a lot to learn, but the stress level is not too high.

After the first 6 weeks, you "hit the flightline" and within a day or two more you have your first flight, your "dollar ride." You will likely be flying the T-6 Texan II. It is the primary trainer that is replacing the T-37 Tweet that I flew. The stress on the flightline is high, because of many factors. 12-hour work days: you show up at 0500 and don't leave until 1700. You are flying at 200+ knots and have to think that fast. You're pulling G's and learning aerobatics, stalls, intentional spins, instrument procedures and ultimately how to fly 3 feet away from another airplane with another student in it. You will fly solo in the pattern, solo out to a Military Operating Area (MOA) and do aerobatics solo, and you will fly solo in formation with another airplane 3 feet from you. All within 5 months. It's approximately 64 flights and 27 simulator rides.

Once you have completed primary training, you will track select into one of four tracks: fighter/bomber, tanker/airlift, helicopter, or turboprop (C-130). To get fighter/bomber you must be in the top 50% of your UPT class minimum. Typically a class is 24 people, and there are only 6 fighter/bomber spots. You have to be ranked high enough to be able to choose one. Checkrides count the most for your ranking.

I can't speak much for the fighter/bomber track, as I am in the tanker/airlift track learning to fly the T-1. But, the T-38 is an awesome plane and the stress is high, because they want you to be the best. At the end of T-38s (similar flying program to the T-6, with a heavy emphasis on formation flying with as many as four planes 3 feet from each other) you will be able to put down your "dream" aircraft from a master list. The better your ranking, the more likely you'll get your first choice.

In a nutshell, 13 months from when you start UPT, you will graduate with your wings, and if you work hard, you'll get what you want.

As far as the Academy, www.usafa.edu has good information, as well as your college counselor should have information. Your senator's and congressman's office will also have information. Talk to them about contacting your Academy Liason Officer (ALO) to find out more about the Academy. I don't know much about ROTC or OTS as I went to the Academy.

See my post in the "Air Force Academy" thread for more information.
F18Falcon22 is not online. Last active: 8/1/2004 7:03:41 AM F18Falcon22

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Re: becoming a fighter pilot
Do you need to be an officer to be a Fight/Bomber Pilot? If you go into ROTC and graduate can you fly FIghters? Am I able to actually fly the planes or is that more of a dream. Do only a few people get to fly fighters. I either want to Be a fighter pilot or go into ranger school for the army. Is it easier to be a Helicopter Pilot and how do i approach a carear in flying. ROTC, academy, or anything else.

Answer ASAP, Thanks
payniel is not online. Last active: 8/1/2004 7:03:44 AM payniel

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Re: becoming a fighter pilot
Yes, you need to be an officer to fly any type of military airPlane, helicopters are different, you just sign up for it throught the army and they send you to warrant officer school. If you go into ROTC and graduate and then join the airforce you can fly fighters but you will be very lucky if you do. The best bet for flight of any type is the academy. I'm not sure if this is entirely aacurate , but something around half of the pilots that the air force traines come from the academy. But if you do go for ROTC and then try to get into UPT, get ur private pilots license first, BEFORE you join up, it shows that you are serous about flying and it gives you an edge over the other when applying for UPT(undergraduate pilot training).
fighterpilot4225 is not online. Last active: 2/14/2005 5:14:42 PM fighterpilot4225

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 Re: becoming a fighter pilot

wow. thats alot but I want it. I want to also go into the usafa and be a fighter pilot in the usaf. how long exactly is all of that training? (i am a freshman also).

but i still have that feeling of doubt. and its taking way too long to be one also. And where do you get all of this info and sign ups sheets to get into all of this training? lol.


sounds like being a fighter pilot would be too cool to be possible.

  16 Jun 2005, 1:16 AM
JennaDoll is not online. Last active: 6/19/2005 1:51:47 AM JennaDoll

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Re: becoming a fighter pilot

Hello all! I was wondering...does the Navy allow women to pilot stealth jets and what not? I just graduated from High School and I'm preparing to jump into college. I would also be very pleased if someone out there could please help me out and let me know what the training is like to become a fighter pilot. ThanksSmile


  19 Jun 2005, 1:49 AM
JennaDoll is not online. Last active: 6/19/2005 1:51:47 AM JennaDoll

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 Re: becoming a fighter pilot
Hey I found out some useful info.  You guys can go to allexperts.com and ask them a question about becoming a fighter pilot and they should be able to answer your questions on it. I asked and this is all that I could get about becoming a fighter pilot in the Navy...I don't know the exact medical requirements because I'm in the Air Force, but there are some commonalities. You must have a bachlor degree and be an officer to be selected for flight school. After you make it there you must do well enough to be selected to fly the T-45. After that, you must again do well enough to get a fighter. From what I've heard, its actually really hard to get a fighter in the Navy. A friend of a friend got F-18's not too long ago, but he said the selection rate was really low for some reason. He didn't know if it was normally like that or just something weird for this year. I can't tell you want the Navy Officer training is like. I know you can go to either the Naval Academy or go to a normal school and do ROTC. Beyond that, I don't know what options are available. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Well I hope that this had helped some of you...also I hope that the Web site that I provided will help you guys out a lot.

  20 Jun 2005, 12:02 PM
Deomix is not online. Last active: 6/27/2005 10:55:00 AM Deomix

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Re: becoming a fighter pilot
I think I know just a thing that might help you. It's a book called "Fighter pilot manual". There is a lot of helpfull info for you if you want to become a pilot. There's just one problem- the book isn't free (45$), but I think that's a reasonable price for gaining advantage of other students in the academy. You can order it here:  http://deomix.ojomikse.hop.clickbank.net

Good luck for ya guys

  06 Jan 2006, 3:24 AM
MileHigh is not online. Last active: 3/6/2006 2:21:13 AM MileHigh

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 Re: becoming a fighter pilot
To all the kids on here who say they want to be fighter pilots. First of all, becoming a fighter pilot requires more than just having a desire to fly fighter jets, it requires you to have great desire and modivation if it is truly your dream! Don't get too ahead of yourself, the road to becoming a fighter pilot is a long, extensive one. If you are still in High School, than there is nothing that you can do at this point except try to get good grades and maybe join JROTC, if your school offers it. Untill you are out of High School and into college and taking ROTC or are in the Accademy, are you really able to start working towards being a fighter pilot. It is very competative to get a pilot slot, so you have to earn it. There is nothing wrong with dreaming to be a fighter pilot at a young age, but you really should not get too ahead of yourself untill the time comes.
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