US Air Force Academy (USAFA)
Topic: Entering the Air Force Academy From College

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Posted by Sonic0234 on 02-10-2006 5:04 PM
Hello, I am a freshman engineering major at Florida State, currently in my second semester. I have recently come to the conclusion that I want to be an aeronautical engineer, but that particular field is not offered here at FSU. I had seriously considered applying to the air force academy when I was a junior in high school, but never actually pursued it. Lately, however, after doing much research, I have once again looked into the academy, and would like to know if anybody has any information regarding getting accepted to the academy from college. I currently have a 3.95 GPA, and had a 1300 on my SAT (730 Math - 570 English). I already have connections with a senator, and believe getting a nomination is more than possible, yet I am unsure how hard it is to get accepted. If anyone has any information they could share I would be very greatful.