Topic: Re: USAF enlistee in need of advice from pilots please

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Posted by five-seven on 02-09-2003 3:06 AM
Hi, I really need some advice from a current or ex-military pilot. I'm currently in the delayed entry program for the U.S.A.F. and I'm just waiting on getting a job position so I can ship out. My question is this, what is the best route to becoming a pilot?

I've asked my recruiter, and he is a very straight forward and honest guy, who basically told me it was nearly impossible. I pretty much think so too. I am already 24 years old, and have yet to get my bachelors, so yes, it is almost impossible. I know the age limit is around 27 or so.

Can anyone please give me any advice? Are there certain ways around the age limit? What carreer field would be best to go into? Currently I'm looking at airborne cryptologist, avionics (no really too excited about that one), or even Combat Controller (spec ops) if it would help. Any tips on the right job to get in the right places, right time? What degree should I go for? I would need to be taking college courses at the same time, of course, and try for the bachelors degree in record time, but I AM UP FOR IT...if it's possible.

Please help if you can. Being a military pilot has always been my dream, it may be too late but I need to at least make this one effort to at least try. Please also let me know if you think it's too late, and there's no possible way.


Posted by faitor on 04-07-2003 5:57 AM
Sorry know one has replied to you yet. Just to give you a little incentive. Check out this article.


Remember not to look at the big picture. It makes things seem to overwhelming. Brake it down into small goals and set times on these. Then get it done. You say you need a degree. Well to fly in the Air Force you do, so start there. But you do have a little time.

Posted by SemperFly on 02-07-2006 10:21 PM

I have a good list of all available options for USAF Airmen to get commissions and get a flight slot. In my research, I have been absolutely amazed at how far the Air Force is willing to go to keep quality people and make them officers. For example, about 1/3 of all OTS candidates are prior-enlistees.

Oh, and one more thing...everything in the Air Force is waiverable (including age).  E-mail me at ace@fighter-pilot.org and I'll send you all the gouge that I have.

Also, you should have a career counselor (not a recruiter) who should be able to help out.

Finally, check out http://www.fighter-pilot.org/Enlisted%20Commm.htm.

It has a good article on enlisted commissioning.

Check six!