US Air Force Academy (USAFA)
Topic: Please Help

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Posted by KJOBrien22 on 12-09-2005 4:59 PM

Hey All,
      Sorry, I know you get these all the time, but I'm in the 8th grade and I've been wanting to be a fighter pilot since I was about 4. Recently, Well about 2 years ago, I decided it was going to be my goal to attend the Air Force Academy. Which brings me to my quetions, How hard is it to get a nomination from your congressman? I have had good grades, played sports, and not got into too much trouble- and when I did it was for nothing minor just talking etc. Every male in my family for as long and I've researched has been in the military. Do you think that'll help my chances? For my final question, is there anything I can do now besides attending as many things as possible and getting good grades?

Thanks for all your help
Kevin, 13, TX

Posted by Kinger8 on 12-17-2005 8:20 PM
Dear Kevin,

Yes receiving a nomination from a congressman is a little difficult. You are on the right track for having good grades and being involved in extra curricular activities.  What happens is your Senior year of high school you will send in a resume containing your SAT or ACT scores, your high school transcript, letters of recommendation, and other personal information.  A congressman's staff will review all the resumes and select a number of applicants for an interview for a nomination.  The interviews consist of multiple questions about character, plans, beliefs, and personal experiences asked by an interview board consisting from four to eight members selected by the congressman and his staff.  After interviewing all applicants the interviewers will then make recommendations to the congressman's staff, and then the staff will pick those for nominations.  Each congressman can nominate ten people per slot; however, the Air Force Academy will only select on per slot. One congressman can have up to five slots, but he cannot have more than five of his nominations attending the Air Force Academy at one time. For example: I actually went and had my interviews for the Air Force Academy today.  My congressman only had one slot open because he already has four of his prior nominees in the Air Force Academy already. So the competition for receiving that slot is pretty intense.  Keep up the good work but remember you are still young, relax and have fun.


Posted by KJOBrien22 on 12-25-2005 11:52 PM
thanks for the help man.

happy holidays